Top Methods for Adding Testimonials on Your Squarespace Website

What is a Testimonial?

Testimonial serves as a positive affirmation or vote of confidence in a product, service, or company.

These commendations mainly stem from individuals who have experienced a company's offerings, often being its current or past customers. Nevertheless, endorsements can also originate from those in distinctive positions to support the company, including coworkers, peers, or industry associates.

To truly make an impact, testimonials must transcend mere affirmations of a product's or service's effectiveness. Exceptional testimonials do more – they captivate an audience, foster trust, and narrate a compelling story that motivates action.

Social proof holds considerable sway in consumers' decision-making, making a dedicated testimonial page loaded with outstanding commendations a potent asset for any business.

It's worth noting that testimonials diverge from consumer reviews. While reviews are typically candid accounts penned by customers, testimonials often result from structured interviews, before-and-after case studies, and similar resources facilitated by the business itself.


Testimonials play a pivotal role in enhancing the credibility of a website. They provide valuable social proof, instilling trust in your brand.

Regardless of your business's nature, be it service or product-oriented, prospective customers seek evidence that your offerings are of high quality, effective, and your brand is trustworthy.

Rather than confining testimonials to a single page, I prefer to integrate them seamlessly throughout the custom websites I craft. Placing two or three well-positioned testimonials on your HOME or SERVICES page, for example, can effectively engage visitors who might never explore a dedicated "Testimonials" section. This engagement may encourage them to reach out to collaborate with you or, at the very least, pique their curiosity and prompt further exploration of your website.

You have the flexibility to incorporate these testimonial elements within specific sections of an index page, as individual blocks on various pages, or even dedicate an entire page exclusively for testimonials – the choice is yours!

Presented in a List Format - Simply Employing the "Image" and "Text" Blocks.

A list style testimonial design is showing on squarespace website

The first method I'm discussing is the most straightforward and quick to set up among the five I'll cover. In fact, I currently use this approach on my own testimonials page, but stay tuned because I have plans to refresh it in the near future.

To implement this method, you'll utilize the "Image" block and the "Text" block to neatly display both the testimonial's image and text side by side. This arrangement resembles a table layout, making it easy for readers to follow.

I've also added a subtle line under each testimonial to create a visual separation between them. Additionally, for added emphasis and improved readability, I've highlighted a key sentence within each testimonial and styled it as a heading. This not only makes it simpler for visitors to skim through the content but also breaks up any lengthy text passages.

Remember, this is just one way to present testimonials effectively, and I'm excited to explore more approaches in this blog post. Stay tuned for additional insights and ideas!

Organized Testimonials in a Grid.

Client testimonial showing on grid

Incorporating testimonials into your website is a powerful way to build trust and credibility with your audience. One effective method is organizing these testimonials in a grid format. This approach provides an aesthetically pleasing and structured way to showcase the positive experiences and feedback from your satisfied customers.

By arranging testimonials in a grid, you create a visually appealing display that's easy for visitors to navigate. Each testimonial box can feature a customer's comment alongside an image, if available, creating a compelling blend of text and visuals.

This format not only enhances the overall look of your website but also makes it easier for users to digest the feedback. The organized grid layout makes it simple for your audience to skim through the testimonials, increasing the chances of them finding comments that resonate with their interests or needs.

Ultimately, the grid wall of testimonials can be a valuable addition to your website, helping you build credibility and influence potential customers' decisions by showcasing the positive experiences of others. It's a testament to the quality and value of your products or services, encouraging trust and engagement from your website visitors.

Transparent Testimonial Layers.

Client testimonial on squarespace site

This method effectively conveys testimonials while providing an attractive visual backdrop. The versatility is another plus, as you can choose between a static background (like a banner image) or a dynamic one (such as a video banner).

This method involves creating a transparent image, which you can do with various graphic design tools. Once you've designed your testimonial image, save it as a transparent .png file. Create a new gallery section on the Index page where you'd like to display the testimonial. Upload your selected banner image or video as the background, then add the testimonial as a regular image block within that section, ensuring it seamlessly overlays the background, creating a visually appealing result.

4.Testimonial Slider Showcase.

Client testimonial showing in squarespace

Here's an alternative approach to setting up testimonials on your Squarespace site:

Within the "Not Linked" section of your Squarespace dashboard, start by creating a new Blog. You can name it as you see fit, but "Testimonials" is a straightforward choice.

Inside your new "Testimonials" Blog, add individual posts by clicking the "+" icon in the top right corner.

In the Edit Post screen, you can enter a "post title" for your reference; this title won't be displayed as part of the actual testimonial. Many users use this field to name the client who provided the testimonial.

Write the testimonial content in the Options tab, specifically in the Excerpt section. This is where you'll add the text of the testimonial itself.

You can enhance the testimonial by including an image. Upload the client's image as the Thumbnail image. Saving and publishing the testimonial is essential to make it visible when you want to display it on your site.

This method allows you to manage and showcase your testimonials as if they were blog posts, making it easier for you to organize and present them to your audience.

Exploring Image Overlap.

Image Overlap Testimonial in squarespace

If you're fortunate enough to acquire a photo of the person behind the testimonial, it can significantly boost your credibility and brand's social proof.

Once you've obtained the testimonial content and the corresponding image, setting it up is a breeze. Utilize an Overlap Image Block, upload the person's photo, and include the title and description as needed. Then, navigate to the Design/Site Styles section to fine-tune the text's formatting, size, and positioning to your liking.

I've successfully implemented this technique on my own website, especially when promoting courses. Take a look at how it's put into action on this page. You can even add engaging animations to this image block, injecting a touch of vibrancy to captivate your audience.


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