How to create a Coming Soon page in Squarespace 7.1

Squarespace stands out as an exceptional all-in-one platform, offering everything from blogging and e-commerce to email marketing and integrated scheduling. It's a favorite for many due to its comprehensive features.

However, there are instances where you might want a little extra flair, like a captivating "coming soon" page akin to those found in BrittaMade Templates. 

Today, I'll guide you through the process of creating one yourself!

Step 1: Create your coming soon page as you normally would on a new Squarespace page.

Coming Soon Page As A Normal Page

Step 2: Go to the settings and click on the advanced .

Advanced option In Setting

Step 3:Inject the following code into the 'PAGE HEADER CODE INJECTION.


<pre class="source-code">


  footer, header {

      display: none !important;



This code will effectively hide the footer and header elements.

Step 4:Set your coming soon page as the home page

Set As Homepage

That’s it! Now you have a landing page that doesn’t have the header or footer.

Comming Soon Page In Squarespace Website

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